Amanda Orza March 24 2023

 Amanda Orza 
March 24, 2023
Blog post reflections

I really enjoyed listening to group one’s presentation about what happiness does for a society. They provided detailed information regarding the impact income has unhappiness in societies by giving examples as the great depression and other difficult financial times that people have experienced in this country. Additionally, they go on to propose a very popular question that is “can money bring happiness? “Moreover, they focus on healthy lifestyles and how those who Live a healthy lifestyle with nutritious foods, exercise, and live hygienically or have a higher life expectancy. 
    I really enjoyed the slides on generosity. It is important to be generous when you can and always try to help those in need. The slides describe generosity as the key to happiness and fulfillment. They also go on to say that generosity counters depression and makes you and those around you feel happier. I wholeheartedly agree and recognize its importance. Personally, I try to be generous when I can. I am very involved with the animals in my community and neighborhood. I have found stray pets their forever homes, have donated in the past to people with a tough situation regarding their pet’s health and that bills, and make a monthly donation to the Humane Society and several local rescues who rely on the donation of others to do what they do. 
    I’m not sure I agree too much with a Slides regarding trust specifically trust in the government. I believe everyone should do their own research when it comes to things they question. Additionally, these lines that pertain to trusting society. There are many horrible and cruel people in this world and being overly comfortable in social settings and with people you are not too familiar with is not something I would recommend. lastly, I really liked the illustration on the last slide. It is a diagram that reflects nine things happier people have in common. One thing that I saw an illustration is a feeling of gratitude. The illustration says they value time over money, they spend time with close friends, they stay present in the moment, they slow down to reflect on the good things in life, and they have strong relationships with people they trust. These are all things that do not cost any money and will make you a happier and better person. Being grateful for your blessings and something that’ll make you happier.
   Group two covered “paying it forward “I believe that paying it forward is a beautiful thing and can influence other people to do the right thing and be kind to others. It creates a wonderful chain reaction of kindness that is very positive. they mainly focused on charities and their impact along with different charities around the world. Something that I thought was interesting was that one of their slides claims that Americans are often considered among the most generous people in the world when it comes to charitable acts. This really makes me wonder About the different countries because I feel like people can be really frugal when it comes to their money especially giving it to the less fortunate. Personally, I do what I can. If I am cleaning out my closet I always try to donate instead of selling. I try to do good deeds and help others. As I mentioned before, I am the most generous when it comes to animals. They really touched my heart and I often find myself in situations where I am donating Time and money. I feel very connected to all animals, but especially dogs because I have a rescue myself and I can’t imagine my life without my rescue pet. I feel so sad knowing that there are so many dogs without homes and overcrowded at a shelter. Perhaps after being inspired from these wonderful presentations, I can devote more time to researching rescues in which I can get involved with and donate to. moreover, I enjoyed listening to the impact that charities have on the world and communities. They can drastically improve the quality of life for others, build a stronger community while supporting those in needs, inspire others to do good deeds and random acts of kindness and foster civic engagement and leader ship. Charities help those who are most vulnerable and less fortunate. Additionally, I really liked the theme of the presentation as well as all of the interesting demographics and illustrations. The way that the slides were set up was very aesthetically pleasing and kept the listener engaged throughout their presentation. I feel more inclined to be a better person and more charitable.
Lastly, my group and I put together our presentation reflecting the importance of self-care and how it pertains to happiness. Recovered mental self-care, emotional self-care, physical self-care, healthy eating, and the importance of rest. I covered how to develop a healthier lifestyle along with the truth about costs of eating healthy and its benefits. Like always, it was a pleasure to work with my group members and I really enjoyed hearing and reading about their contributions to the presentation. I believe we are provided excellent points and I really liked learning new things that I did not know before such as Different forms of mental onus along with how our mentality changes as we age. Rashell and Nicole provided excellent points on social self-care. Personally, I think I need a little bit more socializing in my life, meeting new people, and maintaining friendships with friends I do not see as often. Some of their points included scheduling a phone call, having a movie night with friends, or volunteering and putting yourself in a new environment to meet new people. Coincidentally, an old friend. I have not seen in about ten years has reached out to me and we are planning to get lunch next week. It is important to maintain your friendships and possibly be the one to reach out to catch up.  I feel like I would benefit from this because I often find myself keeping a very small circle and it wouldn’t hurt me to meet new people and expand my horizons.


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