
Showing posts from February, 2023

Rashell Sanchez

 The first assignment in our Speech class was making a presentation about different subjects for which we were divided into three groups. Each group would make their own Power Point and each participant would add their part to it. The first group got to talk about Intercultural Communication. The second one about Communicating in Group and the third one (the one that I belonged to) presented about Group Leadership and Problem Solving. Certain rules needed to be followed on Power Point such as having little writing and adding videos and lots of pictures, and of course, being creative. Every presentation taught me something new, something I did not know before and I will share with you some of the knowledge I got from it. Let's talk about group one... Group 1 talked about especially important topics; they talked about intercultural communication and they could not have explained it better. I loved this group because they only had a few days to prepare and made it look like they had o

Rafael Ramirez

 First, I would like to say that I enjoy how the class is set up with all the groups and leaders making everything very organized. The class leaders are constantly helping by giving us information that we may not know about to give us a heads up or just for moral support. I love that it makes me feel involved. It is not only the class leaders; everyone in the class makes it so that we can all have an easier time with assignments. It is nice that we stay in the same group for the whole semester; that way, we can get to know our members better instead of constantly switching groups, which is confusing. My group presented in chapter 10, and I think it went well. I enjoyed doing my part and seeing my peer's slides. I like how the assignment was set up where it was supposed to be something simple, not too excessive, especially with the number of words on the slides. I was a bit nervous while presenting my slides to the class, but that is the whole point of this class to improve at speak

Nicole silva

        Nicole silva Blog post Not long ago my peers and I had the opportunity to participate in well-done presentations that allowed us to showcase our creativity and freely explain the chapter in our own words. The idea of having us present chapters rather than just reading them was fun and surely not boring or usual. It was interesting to see how everyone presented their slides differently and what was on their topic. Although every group’s information was great and educational I think particularly I enjoyed the one from my group the most as it focused on leadership. Although you may not be a leader right now doesn't mean you won't be in the future even if you're filling in for the leader you want to make sure you know how to handle a group and how to successfully lead. When I think about it, all the presentations taught me life skills for the future outside of this class and now I will make sure to apply and use the tips which were listed from all group presentatio

Justin Melendez

  BLOG POST    By Justin Melendez    How was this presentation to me honestly I've enjoyed it on how we did it we started off by going in groups that was chosen for us and had one of the 3 chapters (3,9,10) in each group that we  were assigned to from the beginning then we would meet into what we called breakout rooms with the group you where assigned too and talk to our groups members about the presentation and assign everyone to a specific part on the chapter we had and then finally the day to present not only was it interesting not because we spoke about being leaders in this presentation which I would talk about later but how it brought in Inter culture on chapter 3 and  on how others have different believes or religion or also give us a taste on where there from the way they do things differently even by the way they dress according to there beliefs. The values are the main principle or ideals that society is based on around the world can also be family education, religion, or

Jessica Quijano

                     Group 1 explained all sections of Chapter 3 extremely well.  They really went into detail on what culture is and what cultural values are. Their whole presentation provided all the information while also using pictures and diagrams. They included useful links to YouTube videos in which I really got to understand of different cultures and how they differentiate. They first started off by talking about the definition of culture and its values. They then mentioned the way people with different cultures communicate, and in some ways creates a cultural shock. It was a couple slide after that in which they started going into detail on the different cultures and including, race, sex and so much more that I never took into consideration. This presentation also taught me a lot of information I didn’t exactly know or think about. Such as their presentation mostly stated that some people might not feel so comfortable talking about their culture just because it might cause the

Melany Niebles

Melany Niebles  SPC 1017-2233-10029 Recently in our class, we had the opportunity to present and listen to our classmates do it as well about some very important topics such as intercultural communication, communication in groups, group leadership, and problem-solving. Group 1 presentation was about  intercultural communication  and some of the subtopics they talked about were  cultural values, cultural differences, sex, gender, sexual orientation, race vs. ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, and age/generation.  I really liked the way this group delivered the information, they made it in an entertaining way, including a lot of videos that explained the information given in-depth but in a very easily understandable way. Personally, I learned even more about the importance of being respectful and understanding when communicating with people from a different culture than ours. I especially liked the part where they showed us a video about how cultured differ, I think it was very i

Amanda Orza

Amanda Orza  February 6, 2023  SPC 1017 9AM  Blog post     Being a group leader and active member of this class has taught me many things about working in groups and presenting before my classmates. I have really enjoyed working with this group, it amazes me how we have so much to learn from each other and work together to complete assignments. My group and I are the third group in this class and we worked on Chapter 10. I think our presentation went very well. We had a chance of meeting to rehearse which i think was very effective. I was so impressed by the beautiful slides, colors, and fonts my fellow group members chose, I thought the creativity captured the eye of the audience. Jessica's slides on leadership stuck out to me. There is a formal leader, which in this group would be me. There are also informal emergent leaders; group members who help take turns to lead the group. I was so grateful to be working with such helpful classmates. For example, I am not that strong when it