Jessica Quijano

                    A Sense of Culture | Julian Stodd's Learning Blog

Group 1 explained all sections of Chapter 3 extremely well.  They really went into detail on what culture is and what cultural values are. Their whole presentation provided all the information while also using pictures and diagrams. They included useful links to YouTube videos in which I really got to understand of different cultures and how they differentiate. They first started off by talking about the definition of culture and its values. They then mentioned the way people with different cultures communicate, and in some ways creates a cultural shock. It was a couple slide after that in which they started going into detail on the different cultures and including, race, sex and so much more that I never took into consideration. This presentation also taught me a lot of information I didn’t exactly know or think about. Such as their presentation mostly stated that some people might not feel so comfortable talking about their culture just because it might cause them anxiety but after they start explaining a solution on the appropriate attitude of when the cultural background is being shown or talked about. These solutions including to be opened minded or adjusting your communication to demonstrate respect. If this respect is not achieved, it can lead to misunderstanding within conversations. There was even this picture included in I believe Bella or Bianca’s slide in which it was different students sitting together in a classroom. This shows a lot of realism and how we can use all the information we’re using now in real life, which I really like because it also showed that she has a real connection to this topic. I enjoyed the audience game of Kahoot. They practically made their quiz a fun and short “pop” quiz, even though their presentation and Kahoot game were two different scheduled classes. This Chapter 3 Presentation on Intercultural Communication is well put together knowing they put a lot of detail and time into each slide to make sure we all understood what they were teaching to the class. 



The following class after the Kahoot game, was Chapter 9, Communications in Group. This presentation by Group 2 I’d like to say it was my favorite. Their presentation overall seemed organized. It seems as if they knew exactly what they were talking about and practice.  I love the fact that they included their own sections at the beginning of the presentation on what they covered within the presentation. They also explained a lot more with the pictures and diagrams they were using. There were fewer words typed and more being taught. That especially caught my eye during the presentation. 

                                          Introduction to Group Communication - MBA Knowledge Base 

This chapter covered communications in groups. They explain the different types of groups that there are. This includes families, social groups, support groups and so much more. I came to the realization that we communicate in a lot of different ways to different groups not knowing we are. Many of these groups have a purpose behind it or a goal. Within these groups that have goals, are the healthy type of groups. This means there wasn’t any miscommunication on a topic, and everyone agreed on something instead of going against it. To receive this healthy group ethic there are stages. Most of the time when I’m talking in a group, I don’t really consider this factor, but they made me realize that it’s important to go through these stages. According to group 3 and the information they taught these stages of forming, storming, norming, and “performing” help create this healthy environment of a group. After these couple of slides, they use humor, and you really notice at this time that they themselves (the group members) really went into knowing exactly what they were going to teach us. But of course, the rest includes the conflict that any group can eventually have. This presentation got me into the general idea of a big business meeting but can also be used in everyday life and that’s what I mostly understood from the teaching of the group members in Group 2.


 Overall, I enjoyed both presentations. They both went into full detail and knew exactly what they were aiming to teach. The displays of both PowerPoint also slides definitely play a part and I’d like to say everyone put their own mix and colors into it, in which I liked.

                  9 Extremely Crucial Team Leader Skills 

The last group was ours (Group 3), on Chapter 10 which was Group Leadership and Problem Solving. We first started off talking about leadership and the different types such as formal and informal. Within that leadership are task roles that acquire information to complete a task or goal. We then start going into an explanation of the leadership responsibilities which I’d like to say is the most important because without this there’s no courage or confidence in that role. Then we start mentioning the preparation of getting into a meeting and how to get prepared for it because in a way this shows leadership. So not only do we explain how to prepare for the meeting we go into detail on how to act during and after the meetings. We then talk about the questions or problem-solving interactions people might encounter. This includes having a solution to the problems when needing to decide especially when it comes to a leader. Most of these questions include “how can I make this better” along with a lot of different things. These problem-solution questions can also be brought up within a group and that way have group solutions. We then finished our presentation and asked if there were any questions to double check everyone was on the same page and knew what we teach. 



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