Justin Melendez

  By Justin Melendez 


How was this presentation to me honestly I've enjoyed it on how we did it we started off by going in groups that was chosen for us and had one of the 3 chapters (3,9,10) in each group that we  were assigned to from the beginning then we would meet into what we called breakout rooms with the group you where assigned too and talk to our groups members about the presentation and assign everyone to a specific part on the chapter we had and then finally the day to present not only was it interesting not because we spoke about being leaders in this presentation which I would talk about later but how it brought in Inter culture on chapter 3 and  on how others have different believes or religion or also give us a taste on where there from the way they do things differently even by the way they dress according to there beliefs. The values are the main principle or ideals that society is based on around the world can also be family education, religion, or even success. We also talked about race on how it divided people into different groups based on there characteristics and their ethnicity by history, religions, the way they look, and even the language they spoke which brings in religion that each person has their own beliefs and worships there god there was also some things our classmates mentioned enthocentlrism meaning that saying that a culture is better than others. but honestly that's crazy anyways speaking about leadership we enter to chapter 10 group leadership and by that I think that leadership should inspire you or even motivate you to set a vision for you and even communicate and to earn respect  from others I think a leader must demonstrate them self and express to others to be a successful leader, you also must be able to convince yourself, your superiors, and your subordinates that what you pursue is worthwhile. In my opinion, this can build trust in their followers and make them trust you to lead. I am a firm believer that great leaders are made and not born. With drive, you can also be an effective leader. Great leaders are developed through a never-ending process of self-study, education, and training. As a leader, I believe it is always important to communicate clearly and objectively and to have good social skills to build good relationships with the people I lead. I understand the importance of recognition and praise when you do a good job. This is also very important. A leader should not always be the first to come up with an idea, but someone who is always looking for new solutions. One way to become a productive leader is to find new ways to accomplish different tasks while maintaining a positive attitude. No one said being a leader would be easy is never easy. This job comes with endless responsibilities such as taking care of your subordinates, getting the job done, and keeping the unit cohesive. For these reasons, there are both good and bad leaders everywhere.In all honestly I can think myself as a leader and I think that because I'm the type of person who feels like I can't do well if I'm not doing it. Whenever I'm working in a group, I would like to see everyone and expect everyone working as a team. I devoted myself to doing more difficult tasks, trusting only that I would be taken seriously. I like to be in control when doing something that involves a team.This allows me to combine my head and hands and learn something much faster than others, so I'm a big fan of others I think you are more innovative than most people. It also helps my ability of using time very efficiently when I want to, I am able to learn something fairly quick more faster then someone that usually have to take time on time practicing I have showed this skill many times by presenting an organization and you can even think of it of getting good grades for your work Another thing is that I feel like we did a great job and went smooth  by putting everyone in a group and assigning each person to a specific part in the chapter during this presentation everyone presented well everyone had there slide everyone showed pictures to demonstrate on what their topic was about even had some videos to show the audience a better understanding heck we even got to do a kahoot which I've never done during a presentation before and that was pretty cool. Another thing that I also liked was when our class leaders started off the presentation by giving us Information on what the topic was about I felt like that helped out others to present confidently and comfortably  For the first presentation, as a group, we were discussing the topic for our presentation; Everything went well we all gave ideas, and agreed on the section we where chosen to do. One thing I did learn better or at least enhanced myself more was with my ability to communicate and ima be honest It takes a lot of courage to stand in front of people and speak to them. I used to be a very nervous person before but it made me realize that I would have to eventually speak up if I wanted to get somewhere in life. And I did well in the overall speech but I could have done better However, I need to still improve my speeches even as someone that leads, I need to practice a lot everyday with new people. Next time I would try to improve my words. but with all that with what I've said I felt like it was enough to give the class an overview of what I was talking about. But overall, my group did a pretty good job with our presentation. I plan to do as much public speaking as possible to learn from my mistakes and improve my public speaking. By completing this assignment, we have learned how to give an effective presentation. Perhaps most importantly, I believe I learned that how I present my information to the audience is more important than just sayin the information itself.


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