Being in this class has being a very good experience for me, and i think it will still continue that way because it has taught me many things about working in groups and presenting in class in front of a group of people. I have really enjoyed working with this group, it is very surprising how we have so much to learn from each other and work together to complete assignments and help one another. I think it was a very good idea this presentation because it help me to understand more all of the concepts, they were all very interesting  and everyone did and excellent job presenting in a way that everybody could understand all of the concepts, my group did a fine job dividing everything in equal parts so everybody cold have the same amount of information to work with, my group leader did also a phenomenal job answering all of the questions, explaining how was to be done the presentation and i taught all three of the presentations were amazing, i love the colours in group one, they presented with the same colours so it seen like they have practice a lot because they seen very cohesive, the videos in their presentation were all pretty great and all the presentations were great too, the way that they present themselves and explain everything was great. they also had a kahoot game which is an interactive game that everyone can play so it was very cool. What caught my attention of their presentation was all their images and videos were especially good and their explanation of culture, culture values, intercultural communication was very interesting the way that people can be the same and at the same time be so different but that's not excuse for fighting because we can all understand one another even through our differences like sex gender and sexual orientation, race, religion, how cultures differ, social economic status age or generation, the competent communications strategies and to adopt an appropriate attitude which is key to intercultural communications, There is a very thin line of what you can and can not say, regardless of your opinions and views. People must be very carful to ensure that the person in which you are speaking to does not feel offended or uncomfortable. We all have very different opinions about specific concepts and some things may come as a shock but you have to do your best to keep those feelings and thoughts to yourself so you may not offend anybody because you do not  what to make another person feel bad. We always try to always be courteous and be kind but is very difficult because whatever you say there is always someone who is not going to agree with what you are saying in the end, we are all people with feelings, but again, it seems like every day there are new terms that can not be said being replaced with new ones that must be abided by. The second group was also very good  there were responsible to cover chapter 9, which dealt with groups conflicts. It mentions how important it is for groups to communicate. It brings up a great point on how conflict is inevitable, "it is you against the problem, not you versus your teammate" I think that is an excellent point that often times gets overlooked. In the midst of the moment we can attack our classmates over a simple misunderstanding. I think this is something we all find ourselves to struggle with in and out of the classroom. We should be working together and not against each other and respect is a non negotiable,  just try your best always and be kind, i really liked the creativity and theme of this presentation i love their presentations which was very interesting communications in groups they explain haw to identify groups, describe the characteristics of healthy  groups, explain stages through which group develop employ strategies to manage group conflict effectively, their are all kinds of groups including families, social groups, support groups, interests groups, service groups, work groups and teams. My group is the third group in this class and we worked on chapter 10. I think our presentation went very well, i was so impressed by the beautiful slides, colours, and fonts my fellow group members chose, I thought the creativity captured the eye of the audience. It was very easy to work with this group because all of our questions were answered and we talk about everything that needed to be done in order for the presentation to be successful. I was so grateful to be working with such helpful classmates. After i completed my slides, i was curious to see everyone else's, i could not believe how creative the others looked. I felt inspired and added interesting shapes, colours, fonts, and images. The presentation of my group look very beautiful. My group did a very good job presenting about group leadership and problem solving and task roles, wish are several such as maintenance role, procedural roles also, leadership responsibilities, guidelines for meting preparations. I enjoyed writing about my part which was about systematic problem solving, which was something very good to know and understand about, how a problem can be solve trough some steps like identify and define the problem, collecting data, understanding and interpreting the meaning of information, using all of the senses, conceptualising, logical reasoning, applying strategy, analytical thinking, decision making and synthesis in this problem solving, there are several questions that are needed to be ask, like questions of fact, questions of value and questions of policy they need to analysed the problem, determine criteria for judging solutions, generate a host of solutions and evaluate and decide and to communicate the group solutions and all the ways that that can be done by a written brief comprehensive report or an oral report. Overall all of the presentations were great and I enjoy then. I learned a lot about everything and I think that everyone did an excellent job.


I love the idea of this presentation it teach me a lot of interesting things, about what happiness does for society and about all the many different types of self care. In this presentations I have learn so much about so many things, everyone was incredible giving a good presentation and collaborating with their partners so the presentation could be well transmitted to everybody else as an audience, I pay so much attention to everybody else presentations because the were so interesting, everybody talk about what they were presenting knowing what there were talking about and presenting with so much details, I think that everybody did pretty great, given a enormous amount of information, that I learn about so much group' 1 presentations was great everyone give a lo of information about what happiness does for society like the idea that society pressures are inflicted onto everyone, in our modern world there are many expectations set in place and a guide in which we should carry out our lives. conforming to a list of ideals bring a heavy toll as it brings about high levels of stress and a lack of self growth. valuing happiness can help us and our community to live peacefully, economically, and freely. we should support our peers by  trusting them, being generous, and supportive. our actions can help our society live together happily without the stress of being unsafe. treat people well and just be happy and what is the impact does income have on happiness in society and that money does not by happiness bot poverty increase sadness low income can cause stressors like insecurities in foos housing heath and more , look income communities lead to have limited resources, poor houses, high crime and violence rates , inadequate school systems low income people must worry about things that others might never even think twice about also learn about the great depression and haw that affected people and the importance of having a happy and healthy life style and the important of social support  and how can generosity relate to happiness and trust affecting happiness in group they were great to they talk about many interesting things like the foundational research devoted to charities and paying it forward  and contributions from them American charities vs world perspectives, local and national charities history and overview of how it all started, interviews from family, teachers, clergy, business people and how they were able to contribute to a community and how charities impact you as a person improving mental health and the state of mind creating social connections and interactions having  positive emotions and values I learn local and global charities and their important and what are their keys differences like American charities tend to focus on domestic issues and primarily serve the United States Americans charities typically have a more intimidate and direct impact on the communities they serve global philanthropy focuses on international issues and serves people around the world the history of charities  and their importances what makes a long term and systematic impact on a global scale and charitable global scale global philanthropy is often gouged by international organizations governments, and wealthy individuals American charities rely on donations from charities rely on donations from individuals corporations and foundations within the United States Americans are often considered among the most generous people in the world when it comes to charity acts in my group group number three everybody did a great presentation and I learn a lot of information about self care like Engaging in a self-care routine has been clinically proven to assist in reducing or eliminating anxiety and depression, reducing stress, improving concentration, minimizing frustration and anger, increasing happiness, improving energy, and so much more. and a lot of examples of social self care like Scheduling a regular phone touch-base with your mom Go on a date with your significant other Have a movie night or game night with friends Have lunch or dinner with friends/familyVolunteer in your community and meet new people Our self-perception also referred to as self-concept can influence our judgement, mood, and behaviors. If we have a positive perception of ourselves we will most likely have more positive thoughts and beliefs about the world and towards people It also helps us cope with situations such as rejection and failure Help sharing content with others.Reduce loneliness feelings.Help staying connected with people from a long my case my presentation was about mental heath and Learn my things about it like How does mental health changes as you age Mental health problems can crop up at any age, each stage of life brings changes to our minds, bodies and emotions. Good mental health helps kids reach milestones, grow social skills, learn and enjoy life. Because they’re still learning to manage emotions, children may overreact to even small changes. A few reasons:Changes in roles and responsibilities,A deepening awareness of self and identity.Anxiety is most common in this age group. Eating disorders and other serious mental health problems There’s a reason the term “midlife crisis” came into being. From the 40s through the 60s, adults face plenty of changes. They may be caring for their kids and their older parents. They may be restless or bored with their job or relationships. On the other hand, people in this age group often start caring less about what others think. That often leads to more confidence and happiness. Others may find new hobbies and interests as their kids grow up and move out or their income grows. Once people are in their 60s or older, there are a few common issues that raise the risk of mental illness:Health conditions,Life events (such as divorce or death of loved ones),Loneliness or Retirement and also A mental illness is a health problem that has a large effect on thinking, actions, emotions and mood. It often impacts day-to-day life and relationships. And it can cause problems at work, at home and in social settings. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Like diabetes or heart disease, a mental illness is a medical problem. You’re not to blame, and it can be treated.Several factors cause mental illnesses. Some include:Genes/family history,Brain chemicals,Something that happened in the womb (such as exposure to drugs or an illness),Physical trauma (such as a head injury),Physical or mental abuse,Use or overuse of drugs or alcohol,Sometimes a major life event hits hard, like a job loss, divorce, cross-country move or new diagnosis. Other times, a medical problem can lead to symptoms of mental illness.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


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