Melany Niebles Blog 2

 Melany Niebles

Blog #2 


In the last few classes, we had the opportunity to have more presentations and listen to our classmates on different topics of great importance, which I personally think we should all learn or at least put into practice and incorporate into our daily lives. To me, each presentation was really interesting and educational, giving me fresh insights and things to think about. This time the presentations were all centered around the topic of happiness, which I think is a super relevant subject to talk about. The 3 topics covered were: “What happiness does for society”, “Paying it forward. What it does for you”, and “Self-care and good eating”. Each topic offered valuable information for us and how we can contribute positively to our communities. 

The first presentation was by group 3, which is my group, we talked about the importance of self-care, which is a super important topic for me because by practicing self-care acts, happiness will always be present, self-care is important because it promotes happiness within ourselves which then we can spread that positivity to others. Our presentation discussed different aspects of self-care including mental self-care, social self-care, emotional self-care, physical self-care, and good eating. We learned a lot of things by doing research about these topics, personally, I think all of these aspects are equally important, but for me, the two most important are mental and physical care, as they are essential for maintaining good health and overall well-being. Physical care, which includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle and habits such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate rest, can prevent diseases and improve our body’s health. Mental care, on the other hand, involves taking care of our emotional and psychological health, which can improve our ability to handle stress and negative emotions, face challenges, and maintain healthy relationships. Together, mental and physical care are important for maintaining a holistic balance in our lives and ensuring long-term well-being. Honestly, I love working with this group, we all get involved and try to give our best for our presentation, I think we did an excellent job since our presentation was super educational and instructive, and everyone can gain from incorporating what we talked about in their daily lives.

The second presentation by group 2 was great. Their topic was what happiness does for society. I loved how they talked about what can make us happy and included the importance of charity and how people's kindness in acts of faith can help many people change their lives as well as bring happiness to the person performing the acts. I find it valuable they talked about the history of charity because this can help us understand how non-profit organizations for the less fortunate can work later on, and I also consider it important that they talked about the types of charity and local organizations, this information can help us decide which organization we can contribute to and how to help other people be happier. In my opinion, charity is vital because it can help satisfy the needs of others and enhance the quality of life of people in difficult situations. Charity not only provides material resources but can also offer emotional and spiritual support to those who need it. In addition, charity can foster empathy and compassion towards others, which can improve social relationships and community solidarity, it can also have a positive effect on the person who gives it, providing a sense of satisfaction and purpose by doing something of great importance while helping others who need it the most. Overall, I think charity is essential because it can improve people's lives and promote positive values in society so I love that we don't only learn about charities and social work, but also get to perform a charitable act for this class. I want to add that the video that explains how to get involved in this world is super valuable, as it makes more people interested in this type of lifestyle that can help make this world a better place and indirectly improve society. This is the video:

And the last presentation, but not least, was by group 1. I found it very interesting the way they discussed the concept of paying it forward (which is essentially doing something kind for someone else without expecting anything in return), and what it does for society. I think this is a beautiful concept because this brings a sense of fulfillment to both the person doing the act and the recipient. They also talked about how happiness and sadness impact our daily lives, how money can affect our happiness levels, how people with limited resources may be less happy, how good health and food affect our mood, how generosity can bring benefits, and how confidence is important for being happy. I really enjoyed this presentation and what I liked the most was that they brought up the discussion about whether money really brings happiness, and this mini-debate caught my attention because is something that many people wonder about and it is a little controversial. Regarding the lack of trust in society and government, after the presentation, I realized how trust in society and government can have a significant impact on personal happiness. When we trust society and our government, we feel more secure and protected, which can contribute to our overall sense of well-being. On the other hand, when we do not trust society and the government, we can feel anxious, insecure, and even hopeless, which can affect our quality of life, as well as affect communication, which negatively impacts happiness. I liked this presentation because it reminded the importance of being kind and how it can have an impactful effect on society, because when we are kind to someone, that person may be inspired by us to show kindness to someone else, and this might start a domino effect. I think this group did a great presentation as well and did an excellent job at presenting the information. 

To conclude, I really enjoyed the presentations as a whole. I believe that everyone did an excellent job, and all the groups displayed exceptional creativity in their presentations. I was particularly impressed with the way we all connected the topic of happiness with our designated chapters in the book, despite initially seeming unrelated. What I found especially great was that everything we discussed had a connection - for example, personal, mental, and physical care all have a positive impact on happiness, as well as a person's ability to perform charitable acts that can bring us even more happiness. Personal care is an essential aspect of taking care of ourselves, being aware of our needs, and ensuring that we meet them adequately. By doing so, we can increase our self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-concept. These are all critical elements to be aware of and possess, as they can make us more likely to be compassionate and provide help to others. In short, self-care is crucial for maintaining a holistic balance in our lives, improving our happiness, and increasing our willingness to perform charitable acts and support others. Overall, I thought the presentations were fantastic, and I'm looking forward to seeing what we can come up with in future presentations.


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