Rafael Ramirez Blog#2

For this presentation my group started first which is group 3 and we were put in pairs. My partner Paola Martin and I did mental self care which we had chapter 1 communication perspectives to go with it. I think mental health and communication are really important they also correlate with each other. Personally I always thought that being in a good group or environment is significant to your mental health. The reason I believe this is because we tend to mimic our surroundings and so if I were in a toxic group who got in trouble all the time I would most likely get in trouble too where as if I was in a positive group that supports each other I would be more productive. Communicating to others about the way you are feeling is a good step to improving your mental health and usually there is a lack of communication between two people that can cause frustration. Usually people let their emotions build up inside of them until they burst which is really unhealthy and this can be how they brought up to be like guys for an example they are told to not be so emotional as that is seen as feminine. Everyone wants to be accepted and I do not see why there are people who are so judgmental. If we would all just help each other out society would be a better place as we all have problems we have to deal with. I always believed that everyone should love themselves before they love others and that in life that is all you really need. I try to be as independent as I can be because if I were too dependent on others too much then I would just be disappointed but then again it is not bad to get some help time from time. I really enjoy this class because of how helpful everyone is and how they look out for each other. I would not mind working again with my partner they were pretty nice and helpful I had no problems while doing the project with them. They did a great job of explaining their part of the presentation too. The next topic is social self care and this is significant as being in the right group as I said before can really have an affect on your life. Nowadays social media exists which I would say is really toxic as the things that are posted on there is very unrealistic like beauty standards. There are a lot of influencers who give bad advice and are not actually living the best life’s like they say they are. So many people are worried about how many followers they have or others have and that should not mean anything as you cannot know someone from just looking at that. I do not really use social medias myself as I do not need someone else to notice me to be happy and it can be a waste of time scrolling through mindlessly. There are times where people need some inspiration and they find that in others as we can motivate others with our own success or by supporting them. We often worry about our self perception trying to fit in with others and to that I say just be yourself find people who will accept you for you. Another topic group 3 had was emotional care which was similar to mental health and I feel as if we have some sort of control on how we feel emotionally. We could also use those emotions to do something productive like exercising or learning a new hobby. It’s like if you want to be sad you’ll keep being sad and if you think you cannot get better you won’t. Additionally group 3 had a topic for physical self care and there are times where I feel that if I am physically tired I am also mentally exhausted. I have worked out in the past before and I would say I am still in shape but I do plan on getting back to exercising. I really do not like being sick as it makes me feel helpless and exercising regularly would help with that. Lastly good eating is the last topic for group 3 and I have never been that good when it comes to how much I eat. I am below the average weight but I would say I am pretty fit and I do not look that skinny. I just do not eat enough only like two meals a day although I do plan on eating more. For group 2 they had paying it forward and what this means is to give back the kindness you receive to others so this could be donating to charities or getting involved in your community by joining a program. By doing good for others it can bring you happiness and others too. No one should have to feel hopeless about the situation they are in and most of the time it is not there fault for being in that situation. Group 1 talked about what happiness does for society and my opinion on this is that we cannot to always be happy. We all have our highs and lows but we will always bounce back. It is always best to try to give your child the best environment possible as it can really have an impact on their life. Building good trust with others definitely helps build healthy relationships with others. Overall I think that my group did a great job with their presentations especially the last group and I feel as if I have gotten better with my speech. I believe I sounded a little more confident and I knew more of what I was talking about as they say practice makes perfect. I’m ready for the next presentation and if we get put in pairs again I want the same partner or I would not mind being with someone new as it can be a new experience.


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