
Showing posts from March, 2023

Rafael Ramirez Blog#2

For this presentation my group started first which is group 3 and we were put in pairs. My partner Paola Martin and I did mental self care which we had chapter 1 communication perspectives to go with it. I think mental health and communication are really important they also correlate with each other. Personally I always thought that being in a good group or environment is significant to your mental health. The reason I believe this is because we tend to mimic our surroundings and so if I were in a toxic group who got in trouble all the time I would most likely get in trouble too where as if I was in a positive group that supports each other I would be more productive. Communicating to others about the way you are feeling is a good step to improving your mental health and usually there is a lack of communication between two people that can cause frustration. Usually people let their emotions build up inside of them until they burst which is really unhealthy and this can be how they brou

Rashell Sanchez

Speech class is my favorite class this semester so far; I'm not even joking. Learning how to speak in public, making my own research, improving my PowerPoint slides, and forgetting my fear when it comes to presenting are only a few abilities that I have learned in this class. This time, we had the opportunity to present with the same group but made groups of two people within the group for each sub-topic. The group's main topic was Self-Care and my partner was Nicole. She was intelligent, collaborative, supportive, friendly, and creative, which made working with her very easy. We felt kind of lost in the beginning until we started talking, coming up with ideas, and researching our topic, Social Self-Care; then, everything started looking clearer. Overall, everything in our group went smoothly. Professor Sherri gave us more than enough time to prepare our presentation and so we did, we prepared. We divided the main topic into five subtopics (mental self-care, social self-care, e

Nicole Silva , March 24

New experiences        Over the last few weeks groups in the class have been presenting their topics for the new presentation. Although it is not the first presentation, we've done this semester I like how similar it was to the first presentation but also different. This recent presentation depended on the group, for example, I was a part of group 3. The group that I was a part of focused on self-help, but we also divided and paired up with another person in the group in order to be able to present our subtopics relating to self-help. Personally, I enjoy talking about self-help and the many different ways you can be able to focus on yourself as well as be a better you. For my subtopic, I paired up with Rashell who is also in group 3. I enjoy working with my peers as they are very creative and easy to work with. Rashell and I specifically focused on “social self-care”. In our presentation, we discussed ways you can be able to be socially as well as be able to take care of yourself a

Justin Melendez BLOG 2

  Blog Post       How did I feel about this presentation?    How was this presentation in my opinion I felt like it was amazing everything was a breeze everyone talked about their parts in their own chapter and we all combined it into a big presentation the first group talked  about self care and eating while the second group talked about paying it forward and lastly the third group talked about what happiness can do to society  This time our group talked first and we spoke about self confidence and self care in different sections through out and we where placed with a group member in our group. This sections have some of the best advise and benefits that would have been allowing you to meditate making you reduce your stress improving your wellness and bringing you happiness while there is many ways to achieve that goal we talked about some things like eating healthy food and getting energy from that and even exercising regularly and not to forget communication and listening to one ano

Melany Niebles Blog 2

 Melany Niebles Blog #2  SPC1017 In the last few classes, we had the opportunity to have more presentations and listen to our classmates on different topics of great importance, which I personally think we should all learn or at least put into practice and incorporate into our daily lives. To me, each presentation was really interesting and educational, giving me fresh insights and things to think about. This time the presentations were all centered around the topic of happiness, which I think is a super relevant subject to talk about. The 3 topics covered were: “What happiness does for society”, “Paying it forward. What it does for you”, and “Self-care and good eating”.  Each topic offered valuable information for us and how we can contribute positively to our communities.  The first presentation was by group 3, which is my group, we talked about the importance of self-care, which is a super important topic for me because by practicing self-care acts, happiness will always be present,


THALIA PALACIOS BLOG POST Being in this class has being a very good experience for me, and i think it will still continue that way because it has taught me many things about working in groups and presenting in class in front of a group of people. I have really enjoyed working with this group, it is very surprising how we have so much to learn from each other and work together to complete assignments and help one another. I think it was a very good idea this presentation because it help me to understand more all of the concepts, they were all very interesting  and everyone did and excellent job presenting in a way that everybody could understand all of the concepts, my group did a fine job dividing everything in equal parts so everybody cold have the same amount of information to work with, my group leader did also a phenomenal job answering all of the questions, explaining how was to be done the presentation and i taught all three of the presentations were amazing, i love the colours i

Amanda Orza March 24 2023

 Amanda Orza  March 24, 2023 Blog post reflections SPC1017 I really enjoyed listening to group one’s presentation about what happiness does for a society. They provided detailed information regarding the impact income has unhappiness in societies by giving examples as the great depression and other difficult financial times that people have experienced in this country. Additionally, they go on to propose a very popular question that is “can money bring happiness? “Moreover, they focus on healthy lifestyles and how those who Live a healthy lifestyle with nutritious foods, exercise, and live hygienically or have a higher life expectancy.      I really enjoyed the slides on generosity. It is important to be generous when you can and always try to help those in need. The slides describe generosity as the key to happiness and fulfillment. They also go on to say that generosity counters depression and makes you and those around you feel happier. I wholeheartedly agree and recognize its impor